The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps
Well, here goes the beginning of a new chapter in life.
I’ve thought about joining the peace corps since the winter of my sophomore year in college. Though the idea was present nothing was concrete until March of 2007 when I sent in my application. It has not been a precipitous decision either. I have spent the last 10 months explaining to my family and friends, writing essays, interviewing, filling out paperwork, getting shots …the list goes on. Now the time has come.
I’m going to be in Madagascar in two weeks.
Some of you may never understand why I would want to leave the country for two years to live in a developing nation. I have two reasons. Good will and adventure.
Originally, I had extraordinary visions of somehow making the world a better place. Perhaps I could change the savagely unequal distribution of wealth, the misuse of resources, the way people think. Realistically, in two years I know I won’t be able to change the tide. This is just a start of things I can do to make a difference. I would say that the Peace Corps is more like throwing pennies in a wishing well. I’m still making waves, just small ones, and over time you have a lot of change.
Mostly, I believe that those with the greatest need should be helped first. I hope to gain great satisfaction in knowing I at least tried to understand and do something about the problems facing the people and resources in the developing world. How else can you truly understand unless you are there experiencing first hand?
This is where my adventuresome side comes in. I never tire of experiencing new places, foods, and surroundings. I purposely chose the African and Central American regions on my application because tropical areas support the highest amount of biological diversity. To illustrate my sentiments is one of my new favorite quotes by John K. Townsend, a bird collector in 1849:
“None but a naturalist can appreciate a naturalists feelings-his delight amounting to ecstasy-when a specimen such as he has never before seen meets his eye.”
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